Anschlussevent der DHd-AG Spiele am Samstag 12.3.2022
Workshop: Game Science. Digital Humanities for Games and Gaming
Call for Participation
Organiser: AG Spiele @ Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.
- Dr. Dr. Stefan Höltgen (Medienwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Melanie Fritsch (Medienkulturwissenschaft, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
Date: Saturday, 12.03.2022, 10am-6pm
While game studies have predominantly focused on the “surfaces” of games such as aesthetic, discursive, social, historical or philosophical aspects during the last two decades, their “subfaces” (F. Nake) have not yet been as thoroughly investigated and were only touched by their producers. But the technical and formal aspects of games that build their dispositifs (and therefore their aprioris) constitute a rich part of the game culture as well. These include specific genealogies, styles, and sublime aesthetics in their rich histories and phenomenologies that should be documented and preserved in order to understand a game as a whole. In addition, all epiphenomena that deal with the ephemeral character of gaming as a (performative) act should be included as well: from the audio-visual outputs of the games and specific actions of gamers from the viewpoint of anatomical, physiological, and neurological human-machine interactions through specific aspects of gaming culture that create a universe of paratexts around the games.
- Hardware, software, and knowledge preservation / digital heritage preservation of games
- databases for games and gaming processes
- quantitative analysis of game input and output
- formal analysis / formalizing gaming processes
- game source codes as a type of text
- paratexts / gray literature of games and gaming culture
- artificial intelligence for game analysis and game playing
- legal conditions and constraints for game preservation and game research in the DH
- virtualizing and emulating games
- media specific collections, exhibitions, and provision of games
- medical and biological aspects of gaming
- gamer cultures
- your suggestion!